
Reichswerke Hermann Göring Silver Chalice by Wellner

  • Sale
  • $ 795

Reichswerke Hermann Göring Silver Chalice by Wellner-Reichswerke Hermann Göring was an industrial conglomerate in Germany from 1937 until 1945. It was established to extract and process domestic iron ores from the city of Salzgitter that were deemed uneconomical by the privately held steel mills. The state-owned Reichswerke was seen as a vehicle of hastening growth in more mining and steel output regardless of private capitalists' plans and opinions, which ran in alignment to Adolf Hitler's strategic and economic vision. In November 1937, Reichsminister of Aviation Hermann Göring obtained unchecked access to state financing and launched a chain of mergers, diversifying into military industries with the absorption of Rheinmetall. Göring himself supervised the Reichswerke but did not own it in any sense and did not make personal profit from it directly, although at times he withdrew cash for personal expenses. This is a very high quality, silver plated chalice that was produced by the firm of Wellner. It measures just over 6 1/5” tall and is very heavy for its size. It is stamped by the maker around the edge of the base followed by the number 6 which indicates the number of grams of silver used top plate it. Stamped atop the base is the script “Reichswerke Hermann Göring”. Excellent condition!