Show Schedule

Remember in spite of all the fanfare related to the Internet, eBay, web sites, auction houses, etc, the Militaria and Gun shows still provide a vital part of this hobby. The shows provide collectors with an opportunity to rendezvous with other collectors and dealers.  There are still many hobbyists out there that still have the "touchy-feely" needs.  We certainly enjoy the show circuit and find it is an excellent opportunity to interact face to face with many of you. The shows still provide us, as a dealer/collector, with a vital source of merchandise.  Bottom line is SUPPORT THE SHOWS!  Here's a partial listing of the Militaria-type shows that we are familiar with. The listing of the shows does not necessarily mean that we will attend/exhibit.  It is provided as a source of information to the collector community.
Dear Customers and Friends,
We have been asked many times why we do not attend all the shows that we list in this section. The primary reason is the time factor. The hundreds of emails per day we receive, in addition to snail mail, require a great amount of our time.  This, combined with the many hours it takes to write up descriptions, shoot the pictures and maintain the website, makes for very long hours for our team.  We're not complaining, just laying out the facts!  The shows require a large commitment of time also. This includes preparation, the driving time to get there and return and the actual show itself (which can run up to four days).  When we return, we are beset by paperwork, unpacking, reorganizing and catching up on the mail that's piled up since we were gone.
You folks are used to receiving the best service in the hobby with regards to response times, combined with receiving items you have purchased.  You also have grown accustomed to professional packaging and quality answers to your technical questions.  In order for us to try to maintain this level of service, we have found it necessary to cut back on some of the shows we attend.
The show that we have eliminated from our show circuit is Allentown, PA (which Bill had attended faithfully since 1976).  We strongly urge you to continue to attend this fine show.  You can see our items 24/7, but the shows give you the opportunity to see and physically examine items and interact with the collecting community.  We sincerely hope you understand our position.  We will still be going the Show of Shows in February, and of course The MAX in September. so we will see you there! 


February 7-9
Allentown, PA
Agri Plex Hall Allentown Fairgrounds
Forks of the Delaware Historical Arms Society, Inc.
February 20-22
Kentucky Expo Center
Louisville, KY


Ohio Valley Military Society

May 9-11
Allentown, PA
Agri Plex Hall Allentown Fairgrounds
Forks of the Delaware Historical Arms Society, Inc.
July 11-13
Allentown, PA
Agri Plex Hall Allentown Fairgrounds

Forks of the Delaware Historical Arms Society, Inc.

September 18-21
York Expo Center
York, PA


Ohio Valley Military Society

December 6-8
Allentown, PA
Agri Plex Hall Allentown Fairgrounds

Forks of the Delaware Historical Arms Society, Inc.