
Nachschub für die Winterfront (Supplies for the winter front) Ein Bilderbuch vom Winter-Einsatz der Nachschub-Truppen. Mabre

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  • $ 135

Nachschub für die Winterfront (Supplies for the winter front) Ein Bilderbuch vom Winter-Einsatz der Nachschub-Truppen. Mabre-This book was published by Verlag: Mens Verlag in 1944. It is a hardcover that shows troops moving by horse drawn sleds, moving supplies. This book focuses on the winter campaign and contains 79 pages with several black and white photos showing troops in mid-winter. The book is a hardcover that measures 8 inches (20.32 cm) wide, by 11 ¼ inches (28.57cm) long. It’s in very good condition. This is a rare book.