
Hermann Göring Wax Seal Impression from His Special Ring

  • Sale
  • $ 550
  • Regular price $ 750

Hermann Göring Wax Seal Impression from His Special Ring-One hell of an offering! As this is unquestionably “The Real Deal”.  It is a piece of wood which measures approx. 6” by 3”. it has one clearly distinctive wax impression with a brown surrounding, and a second, not so clear, wax impression with a light wax colored surrounding. This display was put together by the veteran and has old paper tags which you can clearly see in the pictures. There is a distinctive cutout in the center of this display, which at one point held Hermann Göring’s personal signet ring. This comes with the remnants of the original newspaper ad, which reads, and I quote:

 “For Sale: Hermann Göring’s Personal Signet Ring. Worn and used by the Reichs Marshall for affixing his elaborate coat of arm to the wax seals of important documents. It makes a sharp deep impression. A very large elegant memento. Approx. ¾ of an ounce of solid gold. No damage. $200  Will hold on receipt of down payment but no trades. B.A. Liberman. 211 North Gold St. Burbank, Calif 50591”.  

Interesting artifact!