
Collection of Letters of Congratulations on Birth of Edda Göring

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Collection of Letters of Congratulations on Birth of Edda Göring-This grouping starts with two formal greeting cards wishing “congratulations on your happy event”. One is dated 1946. There is a really great letter from Reichsminister of Justice Dr. Franz Gürtner. It is congratulating Göring on the birth of his daughter (Edda of course) and the date is June 2, 1938, her exact date of birth. There is a note that is dated 1944 but it is entirely in Sutterlin script and I am having trouble translating it. UPDATE!! A friend has translated this for us. He mentions that it is from a female "fan" of Hermann Goring a "Jungmädel". She congratulates him on his birthday. The 44 is not a year as we mention in our description but it is the age of Hermann Goring at the time. The document reads as follows:

"Lieber Fuhrer!
Ich gratuliere dir zu deinen 44 geburtstage recht
herzlich. Und wünsche dass du noch lange fur
Deutschland streiten konnst.
Meine wünsche dass du fur Deutschland noch plane hattest,
wie sehr wie freuen.

Auch wird dein geburtstag in Falkensteinn gefeiert.
In Ellefeld und Falkensteinn wird auch geflaggt.

Mit gruss Jungmädel
Christinn Petzolot"

"Dear leader!
I want to congratulate you with your 44th birthday.
And I hope you can fight for Germany for a long time.
I wish that you still have plans for Germany,
how much we would like that.

Your birthday will also be celebrated in Falkensteinn.
There is also a flag raised in Ellefeld and Falkensteinn.

With regards, Jungmädel
Christinn Petzolot"

Here is another translation.....

It is from the family of Göring who congratulate Hermann Goring with the birth of his daughter Edda.

Alpen, den 3.6.1938

Lieber Onkel Göring.
Mutti hat uns eben erzählt, daß Du jetzt auch ein Pappi
geworden bist und da haben wir uns alle sehr gefreut.
Wir gratulieren dir und der Mutter von der kleinen Edda recht herzlich.
Unser Mieke ist nicht mehr so klein wie auf dem Bild, sie kann schön sitzen und laut lachen.
Ich bin jetzt zu den Punpfen gekommen, eine bant haben
wir schon gemacht, er war sehr schön.
Wir haben jetzt urlaub hier.
Viele Grüße an tante Göring und die kleine Edda.
Mit Deutschen Grüß

Gerd, Fritz, Dieter, Erika, Mieke
Alpen Nr./Moerb (Mörbisch ???)
Lindenallee nr. 4

Alps, June 3, 1938

Dear Uncle Göring.
Mom just told us that you are now a daddy too
and we were all very happy about that.
We warmly congratulate you and little Edda's mother.
Our Mieke is no longer as small as in the picture, she can sit nicely and laugh loudly.
I've now picked some flowers, we already made a floral band, it was very nice.
We're on vacation here now.
Many greetings to Aunt Göring and little Edda.
With German greetings

Gerd, Fritz, Dieter, Erika, Mieke
Alpen Nr./Moerb (Mörbisch ???)
Lindenallee no. 4

And one final one....

It is clear that this letter is from a "fan".


Leipzig, den 4.6.38
??? ????, L.S3 Gliseestrasse 148

Liebe Mütti Göring!
Wir gratulieren, der Vati, die Mütti,
von Bruder Peter der Arbeitsdienstmann in ??? , mein
zwillingsbruder ????? und ich.
Ich habe mich schrecklich gefreut über die kleine
Edda. Ich hätte ein große Bruder, Ronn,
ich zür ????? ????? stehen. Hoffentlich geht
es Ihnen und der kleinen Edda gut.
Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich einen
zusagenden Bescheid erhielt und mit
die herzlichen grussen.

Heil Hitler
Ihr ????   ?????
(I.M. Fuhrerin. 15 jahre alt)

Die linke bin ich und die andere ist eine kameraderin von mir.


Leipzig, June 4, 1938
??? ????, L.S3 Gliseestrasse 148

Dear Mommy Göring!
We congratulate the dad, the mom,
from my brother Peter who is a "Arbeitsdienstmann" in ????, my
twin brother ????? and me.
I was very happy about the birth of the little Edda.
I had a big brother, Ronn,
I go to ?????? ?????? stand.
I hope you and the little Edda are fine.
I would be very happy if I got a message back with the best wishes.

Heil Hitler
Your ????   ??????
(I.M. Fuhrerin. 15 years old)

The one on the left is me and the other is a friend of mine.

Thanks for the translations Alex!

We knew it had to be something important as it was saved despite being just a simple piece of paper and pencil. The next item is a letter of congratulations from the mayor of Aachen, Pfingsten dated 1938 and sending along their well wishes to “Heer Ministerpräsident” on the birth of their little daughter Edda. This is on letterhead with the coat of arms of the city at the top. One letter has a newspaper clipping of Emmy and Hermann on their wedding day. The letter is actually a poem (initials E.B. at the end) followed by congratulations on the birth of Edda. This is signed on the back by Erna Berndt. Also included is sheet music, two pages in length. The composer is also Erna (Krause) Berndt and the song title is “Wir sind vom Stamm der Cherusker” or “We are from the Cherusci Tribe”. The Cherusci were a tribal group in ancient Germania which lived in the area on both sides of the upper We He and lived in what is now East Westphalia-Lippe and in Lower Saxony up to the Elbe. There are two more letters of congratulation as well with small pictures attached. Since the Göring family received over 650,000 (!) letters of congratulations, these must be special to have been saved. A one-of-a-kind grouping!