
German WWII General Assault Badge

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  • $ 235

German WWII General Assault Badge-This is a very pretty allgemeinesSturmabzeichen. It does not have any of its original silver finish remaining, but it has a great strike, with very crisp details. The remaining zinc has toned to a gorgeous dark gray color that has some highlights remaining to the edges. This badge is slightly vaulted. The pin setup functions as intended. This is just a good looking badge. There was a time when we would have many of these in stock, but they are becoming much harder to find as of late.  

History: The General Assault Badge was introduced on June 1st 1940, by Generaloberst Walther von Brauchitsch, for award to support personnel who were ineligible for the Infantry or Panzer Assault badges. Criteria for award of the badge was basically the same as the criteria for award of the Infantry and Panzer Assault badges with the main qualification being participation in three separate assaults in a supporting role. On its introduction the badge was only intended for award to combat engineers and was designated, Pionier-Sturmabzeichen, (Engineer’s Assault Badge). Shortly afterwards award of the badge was extended to other support personnel including artillery and assault gun personnel, anti-tank and anti-aircraft personnel and medical personnel. Of Note: Before the introduction of the Tank Destruction Strip in March 1942, personnel who had single handedly destroyed an enemy tank with Infantry weapons were awarded the General Assault Badge.