
German WWII General Assault Badge

  • Sale
  • $ 275

German WWII General Assault Badge-This is an unmarked, later-war, solid example.  It is made of zinc with a subdued silver finish that remains mostly intact. The details show little to no visible wear. The reverse features a needle pin, a sheet metal hinge and a round wire catch. A super example! 

History: The General Assault, or AllgemeinesSturmabzeichen) was instituted on June 1, 1940 and was intended for award to personnel who supported an attack but were not eligible for Infantry or Armored Assault Badges. It was awarded to members of the Artillery, Engineers, Anti-Tank and Anti-Aircraft Units that served the Infantry or Armor in an auxiliary role in the conduct of the assault. Medical personnel were also eligible if they cared for wounded under close combat conditions.