WWII German Army Soldbuch-This one is rough. The cover has the swastika rubbed out. The spine has heavy wear. It actually has a secondary covers on both the front and back. The soldiers picture is riveted to the front cover and overstamped. I believe his name is Johann Sauweber. This book is dated February 8th, 1940. He was born on. March 7th, 1904 in Munich. His service time He was promoted three times, eventually reaching the rank of obergefreiter. He was a memberof a “landesschutzen” battalion which generally consisted of older soldiers born up until 1904 (as he was). Their primary role was to perform guard and security duties within their military district. He was finally a member of a “Festungs” ersatz battalion. This book is chock full of entries and despite the condition, it is all very legible. A nice example!