
German WWII Reichsführer-SS Himmler Cufftitle

  • Sale
  • $ 21,000
  • Regular price $ 30,000

German WWII Reichsführer-SS Himmler Cufftitle-This is beyond spectacular. This cuff title would have been worn by Reichsführer Himmler himself or a handful of others. The only people authorized to wear this cufftitle were the Head Office Chiefs. These chiefs would be from the Main Offices; SS-Obergruppenführers Schwarz and Buch, as well as the treasurer of the NSDAP, Supreme NSDAP Judge and the RF-SS chief adjutants. This is made of a fine silver aluminum thread with horizontal black stripes. It measures 16 inches in length and approx. 1 ¼ inches wide. It has a gorgeous black tag on the reverse, with the contract number of RZM 36/38 ᛋᛋ for Overhoff & Cie, Lüdenscheid. It is unissued and as mint as it gets. This spectacular offering would be the crown jewel of any collection.